Glassdoor via Ph.Creative
Glassdoor via Ph.Creative
May 2023
Powerpoint deck / Digital PDF
Create a set of guidelines to help Glassdoor employees take their own photos to be used in the company’s employer brand.
Ph.Creative created Glassdoor’s employer brand, summed up by the brand essence line “Go change work.” As part of an employer brand, Ph produce a full suite of creative assets, which collectively are called a toolkit.
Ph.Creative created Glassdoor’s employer brand, summed up by the brand essence line “Go change work.” As part of an employer brand, Ph produce a full suite of creative assets, which collectively are called a toolkit.
The work
As part of the toolkit, I was briefed to write a set of guidelines that Glassdoor employees could follow in order to take on-brand photography which could then be used in the company’s official designed EB communications. I wrote all of the copy you see in the deck below.
See for yourself
Browse below to see the photo guidelines.
Click the image to open the deck