Labcorp Employer Brand Development

Developing the client's chosen creative route
Labcorp via Ph.Creative

July 2023

Powerpoint deck / Digital PDF

Help to develop Labcorp’s employer brand concept to get the route purchased by the client.

When I came to this project Ph.Creative was already reasonably far along developing Labcorp’s employer brand. The client had settled on a route summed up by the brand essence line “Embrace possibilities, change lives.” They now needed to finesse the route to get it bought.

The work
I wrote the two rationales in the deck below, plus penned the subheadings beneath the the ‘My Pursuit’ headlines in the key communications and social pages.  I also wrote the headers in the toolkit examples section.

See for yourself
Browse below to see a PDF of the EB development deck.


Click the image to open the deck


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